I'm back on Animal Jam for the first time in months, and yet somehow it's becoming harder then ever to find a good, AJ-related topic for my blog posts! I've drawn every prompt everyone could think of, and anything I'm drawing in my spare time is either fanart for something not-AJ or didn't turn out how I intended it to (usually both).
With that in mind, I am making a desperate plea to please, please help me find something good to give you guys for weekly posts? *puppy dog eyes*
(Unless you guys actually like these random art-tutorial-collections and occasional things I sketch more than what I used to post? Seriously, please do tell me if that's true.)
A really cool holding hands tutorial! I wanna use this to make fanart of the characters River Song and the Doctor from Doctor Who. 😋 If you made fanart with this, who would you draw holding hands?

Feeeeeeeeeeeeet. I love this artist's style, but can never seem to achieve the simple elegance and fluid motion that their lines have. Can't seem to figure out whether that's because I haven't practiced enough and am giving up too easily, or whether it's because my style has always seemed to naturally lean more towards "soft 'n sketchy" and should be left to develop in its own way.
To prune and shape the branches of artistic style, or not to prune--?
Eh. That may or may not be The Question, but it's one I'll answer later, at any rate.
For now, feet.
Not quite sure how to make sense of this one, but it definitely has some useful insights on perspective and position of the arms, regardless of how ambiguously presented they may be. (Perhaps the website it was originally posted on had more context? I did find this on Pinterest, so sadly much information had been lost before it got to me.)
Folds in clothing! This is something I really need to study in-depth, because I can sense that they need to be there in my drawing, but many attempts to draw them in looks -- weird. And tight. And not-how-fabric-should-go. (ESPECIALLY the armpit-sleeve thing! Mine always look like the "what not to do" illustration.)
This triangle method should really help me in the future! (Now to draw something that requires clothes... oh who am I kidding I'm totally gonna draw My Little Ponies after this.)
Last one! This one is especially for all'y'all Warrior Cats fans out there -- a few tips on how to get that paw, belly, or bone structure juuuuust right!
"Well, that's all the time we have for today, kids. Remember: God made you special, and He loves you VERY MUCH.
( ^^ Points if you tell me in the comments where that's a quote from. 😉)
Jokes. Because I wouldn't leave you hanging, would I now? 😋
Okay. NOW all done.
Bye! C: *waves*
Kara, I love all your posts. I love seeing your new art though more than tutorials, maybe you could do both? ^.^
Ohhhh, that’s a good hand tutorial! If I were to use it for fanart, I’d draw a couple from The Flash. Likeeee Barry and Iris orrrr Julian and Caitlin cuz I ship both of these couples so much. OR HOOK AND EMMA FROM OUAT. XD
I ship too many couples. XD
Awesome post!
Ahhhh I love the jokes at the end!
ReplyDeleteOooh, the cat one will be especially helpful to me! Thanks Kara! :D
ReplyDeleteAnd OM, XDD
Especially the last one! XD, I sang it in my head.