...so... that post I planned where I was gonna redraw the sketches I made of Animal Jam animals last week?
It kinda hit a snag.
To make a short story shorter, my clipboard is in my bedroom -- and I'm downstairs. Sounds like no problem, right? Just climb the extraordinarily creaky stairs as quiiiiiietly as possible, ooooooopen the sticky door without making a loud CRAK sound, make my way across the minefield-maze of a messy bedroom floor without tripping on anything at all, find my clipboard (which may or may NOT be on my desk) in the dark, and make it all the way back out and down -- without waking up the sleeping siblings I share a room with.
File that under N for Nope.
Consequently, I have found myself with a dearth of Animal Jam-related content. Then I remembered that this is not just an Animal Jam blog -- it's an art blog! Therefore, I have decided to post some of the general art tutorials and references that have helped me, and discuss them. ...How does that sound?
Thought so.
Thankfully dry art tutorials are not ALL the resources at my disposal -- we'll have a dash of extra funny stuff too! Let's get right into it and see what comes out of my camera roll!
I still haven't gotten the hang of this one yet, but it's very cool, and something definitely helpful! Proportion tips are ALWAYS something I try to memorize.
Funny thing. Because I said I would. 😊
Natural bends of the human body -- very important. Although I find that, personally, finding the correct place to put the shoulder (AKA the top of the natural bend) is much harder than continuing the bend once it gets started.
AaaaaAAAAAWWWwwwww.... So cute!!
Yet another facet of human anatomy I have not yet mastered... which is probably why I keep saving these things to my camera roll. I need them close at hand to memorize! Remembering that little bump of squished shoulder on the one-arm-raised drawing is what's giving me the most trouble, I think. I'm so used to sketching out rectangle-blocky shoulders attaching directly to the torso that the idea of having thick, substantial muscle there seems quite foreign.
*stares at the text post for a minute longer*
*bursts out laughing*
Well, that's all I've got for now! Been falling behind on sleep lately -- I think I should try to fit in a bit more tonight. Early bedtime, yay!! *considers 12:32 AM "early"*
*pauses for a minute* ...Why do I have One Direction's "That's What Makes You Beautiful" stuck in my head? And -- come to think of it, I have questions about that song. Like -- the lyrics go:
But when you smile at the ground
It ain't hard to tell
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
And that's what makes you beautiful!
If the girl you're singing the song to is beautiful solely because of the fact that she doesn't know she's beautiful, why would you write an entire song to inform her of that fact?? Do you want to ruin it for her, One Direction? DO YOU??
...Okay, weird, overly dramatic logic-hole-rant aside, I really do have to get ready for bed now. *looks at clock* 12:42?! Ten minutes for three very short paragraphs? Why does writing take so LONG? (Actually, I already know. It's because I obsess over having just the right words and delivery. Time-consuming, but hopefully worth it.)
This question is for all you authors -- how long do you spend writing your posts? Do you feel like you do your best work when you check and recheck every word as you go, or do you feel like your posts are at their best when you express yourself freely and quickly, waiting to check for things like typos after "The End"?
Please tell me your views in the comments! 😃
See you next week, guys! *waves* Goodnight!
lol you wouldn't have woken ME up sis! ):) i stay up til'...
ReplyDeleteuh, idk how long i stay up. LOL (OH WAIT DONT TELL MOM PLZ)
Great post Kara!
ReplyDelete...Just open the door really fast and there should only be a small crek creck at the end haha