Hello everyone! How are you guys doing? Happy Thursday! My name is q1zx! I am NOT advertising, but some of you guys may know me from the Animal Jam Lake Blog. (Shameless advertisement, I know XD)
Alright. A few things about me:
-I like blogging
Well, that's enough about me.
I'm going to be posting Thursdays! So yay! Thanks for having me, everyone!
So today, I'm going to show you one talent that I developed in fourth grade. I can draw Garfield's head. And now you can too! With this easy tutorial!
And luckily, everyone knows who Garfield is so-
Wait… You don’t?
OMG! Wait, who is that? It’s Garfield himself!
:O :O :O
No, no... Before any of you guys feel bad for the SandMan, he's worth way more than that!
See...? The SandMan is happy!
OH. Garfield is also fat!
Lol. Anyway...
Yeah. If you don't know Garfield, search him up!
So today we're drawing his head! It's not really that accurate, but it's recognizable!
So. First. Draw his nose.
Don't be afraid if it isn't perfect the first time. If you do this over and over it gets better.
And really, it's a very flexible drawings. If you mess up one part, most of the time you can just leave it. Even if his nose is a little lopsided, it still kind of works. Anyway...
Loop lines from his nose and then wrap them around, and draw three dots in each little thingie.
Then draw two arches, and make them the eyes by filling them in the middle.
I didn't take a photo, but draw the ears. You just draw two arches, which both spring from the middle of his eyes, and then you draw a little line at the top to connect them, and then shade in the ears. UGH. Sorry, lol.
Draw a circle around what you have. This is a somewhat important part. It's okay to have a wide Garfield, but this part affects your overall drawing.
Draw stripes on one side.
What do you think we do next?
The other side? WOW! YOU'RE A GENIUS! :D :D :D Lol.
So yeah.
Then draw whiskers. I'm still working on this for myself, lol.
OMG! It's Garfield! YAY!
Well, that's what I have for today. Hehehe...
Have a Garfield-y day and jam on!